It is impossible to follow the rules of a healthy diet all our lives; at some point in our life, we all make mistakes. We are drawn towards the forbidden food that harms our health. That is why doctors and nutritionists argue from time to time to treat the bodies with not only healthy but also tasty food that is desirable even for the figure. But there are some foods you need to stay away from as they can be really dangerous to a person’s health.
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Harmful Foods for A Person’s Health
Here is the list of the food items that are dangerous for the well-being of a person and can even be deadly.
Vegetable Oils
Still, frying and cooking foods in sunflower or rapeseed oil and think that it’s healthy? Then you are largely mistaken. A 2017 study confirmed a direct link between regular consumption of oil with a high content of omega-6 fatty acids (sunflower and canola oil on the list) and an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s memory impairment.
Moreover, if you want to lose weight, then you need to avoid the usage of vegetable cooking oils completely. A healthy alternative to sunflower oil is olive oil, which is not only a healthier but also a better option.
Many people drink alcohol, considering it not to be harmful. However, alcohol consumed even in a small quantity is not healthy. You need to abandon this bad habit of drinking alcohol excessively. Besides, addiction to alcohol leads to the development of several harmful diseases. Thus, take expert’s help to get rid of addiction and live longer.
Tuna and swordfish are champions among fish in terms of mercury content. This element can accumulate in the human body, and high doses of it are dangerous for brain health.
For example, researchers from the University of South Florida (USA) found that people with high levels of mercury in their blood have 5% lower cognitive brain functions. Thus, moderation is the key here. If you eat tuna once in a while, there is nothing to worry about.
Trans Fats
If there were a competition for the title of the most harmful product, Trans fats would have won it easily and won the grand prize. Almost every system in our body is affected when we eat foods high in Trans fats – and the brain is no different. The risk of Alzheimer’s disease increases when we eat something fatty and unhealthy. Thus, be careful of the composition of the foods you are eating.
Microwaved popcorn may be the most dangerous for your health. The fact is that synthetic oils are often used in its preparation, the vapors of which contain the dangerous compound which increases the risk of lung cancer. Such popcorns have a seductive aroma – and, alas, makes this product too dangerous.
Charcoal Meat
The high temperatures required for grilling steaks, barbecues, or other foods cause the release of heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Remember, carcinogens endanger your health.
However, this does not mean that you need to give up the kebab forever. But at least do not eat those parts of it that have darkened during the cooking process or minimize its consumption.
Artificial Sweeteners
Strictly speaking, you should throw away any sugar substitutes and sweeteners right now – and continue to be careful so that this filth no longer crosses your doorstep. They disrupt our metabolism, increase the risk of heart attack, and also, some of them are indeed carcinogenic.
However, there is another problem that excessive consumption of regular sugar can also lead to accelerated multiplication of cancer cells. Therefore, whatever one may say, but it is worth learning to eat less sweet.
Do you think this is a healthy breakfast? No, this is a calorie bomb that contains almost a third of your daily calorie intake. A standard serving has 200 to 300 calories, 12 to 16 grams of sugar, 3 to 15 grams of fat, and about 40 grams of carbohydrates.
And since yogurt or sweet fruits are usually added to muesli, feel free to add at least 300 more calories – and now, you have just had breakfast, and 600 calories are already inside. Thus, it is better to replace muesli with a healthy breakfast such as oatmeal.
Diet Drinks
Sweet soda and juices (even freshly squeezed ones) are dangerous for the heart since they are merely a solution of sugar. But even worse are the so-called dietary drinks, in which sugar is replaced by its imitators.
Not many people know, but the risk of strokes, heart diseases, dementia, and cancer increases with the regular consumption of such drinks. Besides, these drinks are a major contributor to weight gain, so you need to avoid drinking them.
Vegetable Milk
If you do not have lactose intolerance, you should not completely abandon animal milk and replace it with herbal counterparts: oat, almond, rice, coconut, or soy. Firstly, these drinks are much inferior to cow’s or goat’s milk in terms of the content of healthy fats, calcium, and vitamin D. And, secondly, carrageenan is often used as a thickener for plant milk, which increases the likelihood of irritable bowel disease and even colon cancer.
Low Fat Salad Dressings
There is nothing better for salad dressing than natural yogurt or vegetable oil. Ready-made salad dressings tend to be oversaturated with salt and sugar, and fat-free ones especially. As a result, we increase the risk of hypertension and diabetes by thinking that we care about our health.
Take Away
We sometimes eat foods considering them to be healthy and beneficial for our well-being, such as fresh fruit juice and muesli. But in reality, consuming such foods regularly is dangerous for our health. You need to avoid consuming the food items mentioned above excessively and eat them in moderation to stay healthy.