Sex offender registries have become a common practice all over the United States. From coast to coast and in the non-continuous states as well. As a public safety measure, it’s been incredibly effective and continues to be a useful tool for people that are looking to find information about sex offenders in their communities. The Florida sex offender registry is more of the same, and many people in Florida are grateful that this registry exists and is publicly accessible. But how exactly does Florida handle its sex offender registration?
Florida Sex Offender Registration Laws.
Florida does, in fact, require its sex offenders to register. There are guidelines that all sex offenders must abide by. For instance, all sex offenders no matter the state they were convicted in, must register within 48 hours of moving. The 48 hour period applies both to sex offenders moving within their county or moving into another county. All sex offenders are required to register for life unless the offender hasn’t been arrested for 20 years or if the offender was under the age of 18 when the offense occurred, the victim was at least 12 years old, and it’s been at least ten years since the offense.
In Florida, it’s also common for law enforcement to verify the information provided by the offenders to ensure that they are actually living where they plan to be. Sex offenders are subject to punishment if they are found to be in violation of their registration requirements. Non-compliance is a third-degree felony, and can also result in revocation of the offender’s parole or probation if applicable.
How to Find the Florida Sex Offender Registry.
Knowing how to find the Florida sex offender registry is important if you plan to utilize its features. Fortunately, because the registry is considered a public safety measure it’s very easy to locate. The easiest way is to use Google or another search engine and simply search for the phrase “Florida sex offender registry.” and it should pop up first in the search results.
Once on the website you just have to search by your preferred search method. There’s even a handy map view on their website that allows for you to see who’s in your area while also getting a visual representation of exactly how close they are to your home. From the Sex offender registry website you can expect to access the name, current address, if they’re in violation of their registration requirements, the source of the information, and a photograph of the offender,
All of this information is useful for ensuring that the public can identify sex offenders as easily as possible. The more easily someone can identify a sex offender the better they’ll be able to avoid potential threats in their communities and thus save themself or their family from a potential tragedy like the ones our nation has seen many times before.
Staying Safe in Florida
Sex offender safety is incredibly important to almost everyone. No one wants to be targetted and victimized by a sexual predator, and that averseness only intensifies when applied to one’s loved ones. The United States has seen many tragedies unfold at the hands of sexual predators, and fortunately, lawmakers stepped into action to ensure that it’s as difficult for offenders to recommit as possible. They’ve done this by requiring sex offender registration, placing stricter punishments on repeat offenders, limited where offenders can live and work, and in some cases, even requiring the offender to notify the community when they’re moving in. All of these precautions are in place simply to ensure that the public can be as safe as possible, and so that we as a nation can avoid as many undue tragedies caused by sex offenders as possible.
***Registered Offenders List is a free online resource that strives to offer helpful content and resources to its visitors regarding registered sex offenders that live near you.