If you have decided to give birth to a baby, you need to know how to get pregnant. Read on to know more to increase the chances of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby.
Take preconception test:
Before trying to get pregnant it is better to take a preconception test from your doctor. This will help you know if there is STI, hemoglobin level, improving lifestyle, supplements like vitamins and folic acid to help to prevent any birth defects.
Predict Ovulation Cycle to Increase Fertility:
Ovulation is the process of releasing an egg from an ovary which gets fertilized by sperm. Ovulation occurs during the midterm of your menstrual cycle. One may experience tender breasts, increased sexual drive during the process.
Observe your fertile window and try to have sex while you are ovulating or five days before you ovulate. To have a good idea about the fertile window, you need to understand your menstrual cycle by tracking the cycle. Change in body temperature and wet stretchy vaginal secretions are physical signs of understanding your ovulation cycle. You can also use ovulation prediction kits if you are not sure.
- Take care of your diet because being overweight or obese leads to hormonal changes that interfere with the ovulation cycle. Men who are obese may have erection problems. Taking fresh fruits, vegetables, vitamins, nutrients, and minerals will lower health problems.
- Stop using tobacco, alcohol if you are habituated to it as it affects sperm quality and conception. Smoking may cause pregnancy complications and reduce fertility.
- Decreasing caffeine intake and not overriding intense exercises will help in increasing ovulation.
- You need not worry about positions while having sex. Women’s cervix position might be unusual sometimes, only then a change in position might help.
- Use sperm-friendly lubricants if you need lubricants while having sex.
- Having sex every other day is recommended to conceive fast i.e. better sex, better conception.
- When to Consult a Doctor?
If you have tried conceiving for one year and are not pregnant, you may consult your doctor to know if there are any physical problems or infertility issues. Sometimes age might also cause infertility. Women who are 35 years old and older find difficulty in conceiving. Infertile issues lie in men and women, there are treatments for them and you can get help without feeling guilty.
In women PCOS, ovulation problems, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes may cause infertility. In men vasectomy, STI’s, poor sperm quality, and ejaculation disorders lead to infertility. A fertility specialist will have a solution for all your problems. So keep your stress at bay, follow a healthy lifestyle and try the tips to conceive fast.