It is romance night and you would like to set the mood for a romantic evening or a fantastic get away. Try to remember when the both of you enjoyed the best romance in your marriage and try to include it in your plan.
Some wonderful suggestions from Alex Wise of Loveawake dating site of how set the mood for a Romantic day or Evening:
It would be nice to prepare a good delicious aphrodisiac dinner and the bedroom full of sensuous aromas. Decorate the house including the bedroom with beautiful flowers as well as plants. Plan an aphrodisiac dinner with champagne and for dessert have chocolates and strawberries accompanied with soft romantic music. Lighten up the place and room with aromatic sensuous candles. Have ready your most sensuous lingerie.
If both of you love the country side go and plan a night of love in front of a fire place. Have a romantic dinner in front of the fire place. Spread out a beautiful soft blanket with plenty of soft throw pillows and play soft music. Have your bottle of wine ready and have an intoxicating and amorous evening.
You also can plan a night of interlude in your own private garden. Fix the garden with beautiful flowers and plants. Lighten up the garden with small torches placed around the garden. Spread out a soft beautiful blanket on the grass and place soft throw pillows around. Play soft music and have your aphrodisiac dinner with champagne in the garden.
A suggestion of an aphrodisiac dinner:
Have oysters; steaks grilled and top with plenty roasted garlic and have a horseradish sauce on the side. Serve herbed bread. For Salad have an arugula salad with boiled shrimps; croutons and grapes and toss with balsamic vinegar dressing. Don’t forget the champagne and for dessert have strawberries; grapes; raspberries with melted chocolate and nuts. Or have a seductive brownie bar.
One can plan for a romantic weekend or simply an overnight stay in a hotel; inn; resort; or beach. Plan ahead and check out places which both of you enjoy going and that are within your budget. For more exciting new places one can check out the internet for a breathtaking interlude. You may bring sensuous oils with you, candles and seductive lingerie. If you plan to stay in a hotel try to bring scented candles and put them around the room and bathroom and sprinkle the bed with rose petals.
It would be very thrilling to receive a surprise gift from the person you love. Some suggestions of gifts: Flowers; perfume; cologne; jewelry; handbag; dress; if she loves the kitchen a kitchen utensil; a cell phone; pen or anything that can fit your budget. It is the thought that counts.
The spark of love and must always burn within the couple. It should never die out. Have constant communication with each other – work, laugh, and play together. Trials may come but that is part of life. One must be prepared to know how to handle the situation with open communication and compromise.
About Author
Alex Wise is blog contributor and dating consultant of Loveawake.com – the fast-growing online dating site serving in Alaska and the major cities Anchorage, Fairbanksand etc. He has been covering online dating, relationships, online and marriage niche since 2008. He loves sharing meaningful content that educates and inspires people to bring their dreams into reality