“At 20 years of age, the will reigns, at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment”, Benjamin Franklin once said. The judgment comes a bit later in your life, mostly after turning forty, when you start caring about your soul and body, nonetheless, it is pertinent to have a cautious approach towards your health throughout life.
Research aptly illustrates the reckless approach of young men about the changing processes into their bodies.
Having said that, the zeitgeist demands to take note of minor changes in our body, lest a little health glitch should be snowballed into menacing trouble.
This article is written in good faith for men below 40 to evaluate their potential health risks through different tests and the way forward. The excerpt is worth-read and we hope, it would ring the alarm bells before the final toll.
Table of Contents
Take Note of Lipid Profile
Triglycerides are anathema for your metabolism. The high-density of triglycerides might increase the risk of before-the-age diabetes, stroke, or heart failure. A visible aspect of excessive lipid presence is the chubby body. The presence of high lipid could be detected by the complete cholesterol test, also known as a lipid panel or lipid profile.
Way Forward
If one gets the bad news of 90 mg/dL lipid level, the organic way of getting rid of this grimy menace is to adopt the natural way of life, exercise regularly, eat healthy (especially Omega-3 acids-rich food), and cut booze intake.
Substance Abuse Is a Silent Killer
The young age comes with a gushing flow of energy running into the veins of youngsters who are prone to be inclined towards substance abuse. To verify the level of substance damage, you may refer to the CDT blood test (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin) or ethyl glucuronide (EtG) urine test. These tests are really important as constant exposure to any substance destroys the nervous system, especially the liver, and paralyze your intellects, dragging you towards addiction.
Way Forward
If one gets positive for substance abuse, put on a brace phase. Many good or bad things inculcate in our lives inadvertently. The best-case solution for weaning off the ever-alluring habit of substance abuse is consulting rehabs. Rehabs are the abode under the aegis of professionals (physicians, psychologists, and support staff) who have become battle-hardened after pruning up the others’ addictions incessantly. Alcohol and Drug Addiction Hotlines are all you need when you can’t get over substance abuse.
Do remember, that any kind of substance whether chemical, organic, or synthesized requires outside help to get out of a rut. Rehab would help in quick recovery to the ideal way of life.
Keep Tabs On Carcinogenic
According to the data released by WHO, cancer has become the leading fatal health disorder surpassing all other contemporary diseases. If you feel an iota of change in your body, whether it be weight loss or the existence of inordinate moles on the skin, do rush to your family doctor. The difficult thing about cancer is its multi-pronged presence, targeting almost every part of the body. However, a viable way to remain intact is to live and eat naturally with minimum exposure to toxicity.
Way Forward
A decade ago, the cancer presence was a direct death call from the heavens; nonetheless, it is not bombshell news now. Stage one and even stage two cancers are curable. The affectee must consult the oncologist, chemotherapy, nuclear medications, and drug prescription would, hopefully, wipe out the carcinogenic cells.
Never Blow the Gasket
Triple-A or abdominal aromatic aneurysm is the rupturing of the enlarged blood vessel going into the stomach. The bursting remains fatal in 90% of the cases, and the bad thing about AAA is that it attacks you totally off guard. The only silver lining is its detection through ultrasound. The USA task force recommends periodic ultrasound detection for men who have smoked 100+ cigarettes throughout the lifespan.
Way Forward
The cutting-edge treatment of AAA is surgery. Once, detected with this inside stabber, the sonologist would not let you leave the hospital. It’s a ticking time bomb.
Shun The Stiff Upper Lip Posture
As per the Federal Institute of Mental Sciences, every year more than 5 million American men are diagnosed with extreme anxiety. Anxiety or depression has a direct profound impact on your mental health.
A rule of thumb for anxiety assessment is recurring pessimism or loss of interest for a fortnight. Your disturbed soul must consult a qualified psychologist who would do multiple physiological assessments to chuck the Genie out of you.
Way Forward
If your psychologist has declared you under the deep shadows of mental illness through the anxiety route, it is not high time to get the luggage packed for a lunatic asylum. Instead, our brain is just like any organ of our body’s ecosystem; the psychological impact can and is successfully treated by prescribed medication, therapy, or the combination of both.
Life Is Precious Than Testosterone Appetite
The space is too short to narrate the whole observation of rat experiment by a Dutch scientist herein he declared the sex drive more powerful than the hunger. This sometimes comes true for men under 40, but it is folly to put your life at stake for a limited pleasure. If you have some deviations or have encountered unsafe sex without contraceptives, it’s high time to go for STIs or STDs (Sexually Transmitted Infections/Diseases) test.
Way Forward
Unfortunately, if the test turns positive, firstly identify that which disease has cost you an arm and the leg. STDs wide ambit could range from ephemeral infections to immunity system destroyer – HIV. Whatever the disease is, be prepared to spend some days in the hospital in memory of your love.
Final Acid Test
Finally, you must have been aware of the lurking dangers inside you. Early detection is the key, and it is only possible if you have a proactive approach towards your health. Test the flashpoints in the first place and rectify these professionally, life is precious.